Great article, Tom. Guns were the antithesis of what i was into at that time and the conservative (pursuit of normal vs political) nature of their fans was off putting. Mid 90s when CDs were readily available for 10 bucks here in AU i saw it and decided it was time to try and understand - objectively - why people cared. And i found it. Whether it was what everyone else saw isn’t important, but the rush was there and i felt it big time.
And you make an important point, probably the most important and that’s their authenticity which i think is uncontested. And in the circles they were framed by the music media of the day, their eclectic music tastes were overlooked. But when you consider the well from which they drank - AC/DC, Rose Tattoo, Johnny Thunders, Dead Boys and so on, that’s what each of these bands and artists were.
Finally, they were unpredictable, which as a music fan is great. For labels, management and people in their circles, i don’t think that would have been too positive an experience, but…