Listening, Reading, Writing — A June Reflection

An overview of the month just passed.

Jason Healey
5 min readJul 2, 2024


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One of the things I find limiting about Medium is that there aren’t as many opportunities as I’d like to present an overview of where I presently find myself, what is contextually interesting at any given point.

And then it occurred to me that a reflection is a suitable enough communication device for Medium.

Though not a comprehensive reflection of my personal interests, listening, reading and writing are three specific currents that occupy much of my time.

June 2024 Reading

I’ve been listening to Naomi Klein’s Doppelganger and one of the myriad themes the oft mistaken-for author explores is this idea of a singular online identity — the scenario in which the social media algorithms reward us for giving attention to one specific current of our lives — real or imagined — and the ramifications of such a discrete representation.

On a day where the headlines in US political news declared the former president of the United States to be immune from prosecution within the official parameters of holding office, it seems prescient. And like all actual conveyors of qualified truth, it further cements our understanding that we’re on the cusp of a dire political, and by extension…



Jason Healey

I split my time between writing about music, leadership, management & organisational culture articles. Digital Agency Operations/Record Collector/Parent/MBA*